00:12:29 Vic Jaras: share facts like the cost of not having child care in lost productivity in Iowa https://www.iowapublicradio.org/health/2020-02-28/report-iowa-economy-loses-nearly-1-billion-annually-from-childcare-shortage 00:14:22 Iowa Afterschool Alliance: If you are not currently receiving our legislative updates and would like to, please reach out to me and I'll get you connected with that resource. 00:15:27 Amanda Avenarius: Just FYI, the IAA legislative updates are VERY helpful. Thank you for all of the updates and sharing! 00:20:07 dani.goodman: Could I be added for legislative updates? Thank you. 00:20:09 Vic Jaras: You CAN invite legislators to visit your program in person. They LOVE doing this and is more powerful than an email or a brochure. 00:20:26 Iowa Afterschool Alliance: Yes, Dani, I'll get you added! 00:20:45 Vic Jaras: Until we recover from COVID you may need to do a virtual visit 00:22:23 Amanda Avenarius: Of course, Emilee! It is also helpful to receive them from you and share info/needs/updates through LinkedIn, etc. Also, I share your updates w/ our intern placements, etc. as their learning agreement typically has a piece on 'advocacy' and it is a great tool to help them understand the afterschool legislation efforts being made...what needs there are...who represents us...etc. 00:22:43 Vic Jaras: Nobel Prize winning economist James Heckman on support for at rick children https://heckmanequation.org/resource/the-case-for-investing-in-disadvantaged-young-children/ 00:31:01 Vic Jaras: You can use many of these strategies to recruit new community partners for your program. 00:32:20 Iowa Afterschool Alliance: Good point, Vic. Advocacy is ultimately sharing all the good work you are doing to make an impact in the lives of the kids you serve. This can be a great recruitment tool for your program, a way to recruit community partners, and to get desired legislative and/or local results! 00:36:57 Christine M. Carlson: What is the basic time to speak? 00:37:23 Vic Jaras: I like the IAA One Page Inforgraphic about 21st CCLC in Iowa. 00:38:20 Amanda Avenarius: Agreed, the one page Infographic about 21stCCLC is very simple and a good visual! 00:38:49 Billy's iPhone: good point! 00:40:44 Vic Jaras: 21st CCLC has clear goals for reading and math improvement. Oakridge improved reading so that they surpassed the average reading score for the state of Illinois. 00:41:34 Amanda Avenarius: Yes, there are clear goals...academic focus, SEL Learning and opportunities, physical literacy, caring adults, etc. 00:41:45 Vic Jaras: We report our progress to Congress three times a year via the online Annual Performance Review (APR) site. 00:41:56 Christine M. Carlson: also reduction of crimes when students are involved during after school hours veruses running wild 00:42:42 Iowa Afterschool Alliance: https://www.iowaafterschoolalliance.org/afterschool-in-a-box 00:43:35 Christine M. Carlson: Thank you for all the awsome resources:) 00:44:25 Amanda Avenarius: Also, STEM/STEAM - so many areas to focus on quality OST programs to engage and grow the youth we serve:) 00:45:19 Billy's iPhone: great! 00:48:12 Christine M. Carlson: Do you have an activity for the older students? they are not much into coloring. 00:48:21 Iowa Afterschool Alliance: Let's tell our legislators that WE LOVE AFTERSCHOOL! Join us on February 3rd for our 2021 Afterschool Snack! This year it'll look a little different but just as fun - we're decorating valentines postcards! Postcards, postage and mailing addresses will be provided to all participating programs. All you need to bring are crayons/markers/pencils and your creativity! All interested programs must fill out the form linked below by January 25th to receive provided materials! Information for a decorating party via Zoom on February 3rd will be provided after registration. Hope to see you all there! https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLScvYonDMxu.../viewform... 00:48:28 Billy's iPhone: Oakridge would love 20. billy stone, will register 00:48:51 Iowa Afterschool Alliance: Thanks Billy! 00:49:25 Christine M. Carlson: I would like 45 for the "littles" I have this year 00:49:48 Iowa Afterschool Alliance: Christine- please hop onto the link and register to make this official :) 00:52:13 Iowa Afterschool Alliance: Emilee can be reached at eharris@sppg.com 00:52:19 Cassie Gerst: Crystal, the google link didn't work for me. 00:52:46 Iowa Afterschool Alliance: Thank you, we'll get that sent out ASAP. 00:55:04 Iowa Afterschool Alliance: Try this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScvYonDMxuFF0aDfHjQZVN4CShZ4klsrh6sUhZF1P72mS4uYw/viewform?fbclid=IwAR2JWsG6W4gUttYElEaImVcD70sqCZxrrBDffpLjo3w3NKuI8513pjO8qHU 00:56:26 Vic Jaras: I often talk about how California provides an afterschool program to every elementary school and middle school because of a combination of federal and state funding. They provide 530 million in state funds every year along with 130 million in federal funds. We do not have as many children in Iowa and could serve every school for 10% of the funding California receives using our Iowa model of 21st CCLC. 00:56:35 Iowa Afterschool Alliance: https://www.legis.iowa.gov/legislators/find 00:57:37 Christine M. Carlson: Thank you for all the great info! 00:57:41 Vic Jaras: CALIF https://edsource.org/2017/californias-subsidized-after-school-programs-struggling-to-survive/580932 00:57:46 Cassie Gerst: The link works 00:58:08 vkurth: I tried it and it worked thanks! 00:58:27 Billy's iPhone: works! 00:58:57 Heidi Brown: Thank you very much Emilee! 01:03:02 Amanda Avenarius: Thank you for this great opportunity...I have another meeting to jump up on:) 01:03:05 Vic Jaras: Iowa leads the nation in the number of community partners and this has brought growth and stability to our programs. The USDOE uses Iowa as an example to train new state program directors for monitoring and evaluation 01:03:50 dani.goodman: Thank you very much! 01:03:52 Vic Jaras: excellent job Emilee 01:04:05 Beth Christoffer: Thanks! 01:04:07 Billy's iPhone: thank you